Sunday, May 3, 2009

General Stuff

This post is informal. It may contain ideas I could refine later.

This blog has been at a standstill... because I have not been aware of what I could say patiently with plenty of Scriptural backing... which would be received by someone out there in internet land. Here I hope to begin to reach a bit of forward momentum. There is someone somewhere who can benefit from some of this stuff.

I am aware that, for 99.99% of the potential audience out there, nothing I say is going to be well-received. Little I say will be understood. Yet, I must try to reach someone who is hungry for the Biblical truths of Remedialism.

Some high priority concepts:

The Remedialist doctrine has some first principles without which the whole message is misunderstood.

Jesus is equal to God. This is important in our Remedialist doctrine. True, the Father is greater than the Son. But Jesus is God. He is my God... and I hope He is - or will become - yours.

God offers proof of the truth. The Holy Scriptures which we have at hand are rich material for research which can help us find faith and truth. The individual can ask for proof from God. God will provide a measure of proof...just as He did for Thomas.

God is a Father of spirits; we (humans) are incarnate children of the Father. Technically, Jesus is our father. "The" Father is our grandfather. That is my conviction... but, if I am ever proven mistaken on that point, this would not collapse my whole worldview or theology. The main point is that each human is a spirit clothed in a body.

Man is tripartite: spirit, soul, and body. Knowledge of this concept is not required for "salvation" but is required if one is to understand more than a little bit about human life and the Bible.

Salvation from hell is just one part of what Jesus does for a believer. The reason for our existence is for us to learn and grow - as do children - into the likeness and image of our Father. Our father is God. We are growing to be like Him (though never going to catch up with Him). Jesus saves us from the pit of "hell" through faith in Him. Yet perfection is a long road ahead. The path to maturity is the Path which is Jesus. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. We who believe have only begun to follow that path.

Hell is really the pits and we want people to avoid that. The Bible is evangelistic. The New Testament has much to say about calling people to be rescued from going to hell. Even though Remedialist doctrine, Bible-based, firmly shows that hell is not forever, yet hell is a prison and a pain we would like everyone to avoid. The way to avoid a term in the pit is to believe in Jesus as your personal saviour. He suffered on the cross for you. His blood washes you from whatever sins you confess to Him. Because your sins are washed away you are guaranteed that you will go to Paradise rather than the pit if you die.

We recommend the website and the book, Hope Beyond Hell. The gist of it agrees with our Remedialist doctrine as it addresses the issues of God's love, and the limited duration of hell.

We recommend Watchman Nees exposition of the tripartite nature of man (spirit, soul, and body.)

Thanks! God bless your quest for truth. Send us questions at our Contact address for this blog.

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