Sunday, September 11, 2011

On the Nature of Man and the Nature of God

Here I would like to address "the nature of Man" and "the nature of God". Recently, upon reviewing some of C. S. Lewis' "Mere Chrisitianity", I realised anew that my view of this subject is significantly different from most Christian traditions. In fact, Lewis attempted to write in "Mere Christianity", as he said, only those views which were common to all Christian denominations. Yet mine differs significantly even from that. Yet, mine is based upon the Bible. I think that a humble and careful reader of this article should see that my view is a Christian view as well.

As a side note, let me say here that I think Lewis' writing is very very clear and easy to understand. In contrast, I am not succeeding in writing clearly and concisely. Yet, I think the substance of what I am saying is understandable for some readers who will ask the Lord to help and will take the time to study and sort out what is being said.

As I have said elsewhere in this blog, man consists of three parts: spirit, soul and body. In my view, this is true of non-Christian man as well as Christian Man. The spirit in each man is a single child of God. The body of man is a creature of God. The soul in man is a product of the interaction of spirit and the body. Salvation in Jesus Christ is manifold. It guarantees preservation of the soul body as a garment for the spirit, the resurrection of the body, the forgiveness of sins against the Lord, and deliverance from the Enemy.

The nature of God is a mature spirit Who is capable of incarnating in a body. Yet the nature of man is to be an immature spirit incarnated in a body. When the Son of God left the side of the Father in glory and became incarnate as a human in the womb of a virgin Mary, he was taking on a body. Yet, it is not, to me a "mystery" of two natures, human and divine. It is simply the incarnation of the great great Spirit incarnating in a body.

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